10-years Anniversary Concert!

It’s SHOWTIME again everyone!

Not just any old show though. On May 28th we celebrate Illuminata’s 10th Anniversary! Can you believe that?! That’s TEN amazing years! Naturally, on this occassion we’ll do what we always do.

First, we get together some great musicians. This time our very special guests are Light Up The Town and Mad Soul Empire, two talented female-fronted bands and Messcorade, not any less talented and decidedly male-fronted!

Second, we rock the stage of our steady companion venue Explosiv Graz. Looking back Illuminata practically grew up on that stage. They are such a capable bunch that awesomeness is guaranteed.

Third, we get some of our dearest companions on stage. Joanna Nieniewska who has spent so many years with us, Mario Plank who contributed his massive pipes to our last two albums and of course our trusty master of ceremony Raphael Tukovics will be there! So you better make sure you are as well!

Finally, we sprinkle it with dancers, lights, nostalgic photographs, smoke, thunder, cabaret, madness, glamour and bombast.

So mark the date, get your tickets and together we’ll make it a night to remember! It might be our last chance in well over a year…


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